
Rodger Collins’ books represent his unique insights and observations about humanity and the goodness he experienced throughout his life. He relates touching stories and anecdotes about his life and illustrates the universal truths that apply to us all.

GUESS WHO I MET! – Coming Soon!
I wrote “Guess Who I Met” to share some of the many wonderful adventures I’ve experienced in my life. Through my experiences, I’ve included proof of the wonderfulness of global humanity and the specialness that each individual brings to life. I’ve learned, and share, that our experience of life doesn’t have to be as bad as it sometimes appears. In “Guess Who I Met” I’ve included some incidents from my childhood experiences growing up in the small town of Santa Anna Texas and later in San Francisco California, and my journey in the entertainment and professional worlds that have helped me to become the person that I am today.
Throughout my life, there have been tense moments with some folks focused on “being in charge” – maybe you can relate. Regardless, I would always endeavour to see the wonderful heartfelt individuals among them. It has helped me tremendously, seeing other people’s good hearts. For a long time I didn’t realize that it is a special gift to relate to the goodness in people. Looking back, I recognize that the gift of seeing the goodness in others has been a fundamental key in the joy, love and happiness I have been graced to experience and share. Knowing that I’m not the only one trying to keep a good heart is very rewarding.
In my previous book titled, “SPILLING THE BEANS: A BOOK FOR THE WORLD” there is an essay, “It Takes One to Know One,” that nails it. That essay is really worth reading. It illustrates how we’re better able to see goodness in others when we’re able to express it ourselves.
My decision and motivation to write “Guess Who I Met” and my hope for you, the reader, is that you learn to recognize the specialness of humanity and the goodness that is intrinsically a part of each of us. And that, through that expression and experience, you are better and more fully able to have a life full with joy, love and happiness. I’m overjoyed, I just have to tell it. Guess who I met (along the way)!
Beans? Maybe not! More like Diamonds!
Rodger Collins knew how to write a hit song back in the day and now he has transferred that talent to a little book of gems. He calls them beans, but I’d say they are rubies, emeralds, pearls and diamonds. He speaks to all colors and all shapes and all sizes and all genders. There is definitely something for everyone in this book. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
~ Robert Spencer
This book is loaded and a must-read filled with gems we overlook. The best description for Spilling the Beans is “A Book For The World, pointing us to good common sense.” Spilling the Beans, relates to good people everywhere. No matter their ethnicity or religion, nor whether they are female, male, young, old, rich or poor Rodger Collins’ storytelling appeals to everyone. He shares insights that make us say, “You know you’re right. How did I overlook that!” Many foggy, opaque concepts are clarified in a style which is easy reading, heartfelt, funny, sad, educational, refreshing, inspirational, extremely informative, and motivational.
Spilling the Beans can bring you to tears as it illustrates the value of women and girls is equal to the value of men and boys. Collins does an excellent job comparing the difference between the bully and the “ain’t taking no mess real man.” This book shows how the real man is more than just some muscles. One essay, Young People Go For It, takes a keen look into the huge value, potential and courage of young people. Long overdue, on its pages are many, many, many more gems.
In this refreshing work he provides a laser focused searchlight that allows people to see themselves and come to their own conclusions. When asked, “Why this book?” Collins responded, “I wrote this book because it is needed.”
This book represents a journey ignited by my life experiences and observations which taught me the importance of curiosity and rational thinking. For example, things taken for granted that are right in front of us that we may overlook, the importance of words and also calling things by their right name. Sometime we can laugh at ourselves when we reflect on our actions and interactions with our fellow human beings.
This collection of beans shares some of the ideas I encountered during my journey and the mingling of our human hearts. It is meant to be thought provoking. It is meant to keep our curiosity excited as we discover our inner self which is one with humanity. Everyone who has lived has something to say about their journey.
In high school I received a four-year acting scholarship, paid for by an alumni Marjorie Steele, after she was impressed by my performance in a school play that she attended. Steele was the famed actress of the hit play, “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.” This scholarship was to the Actor’s Lab in San Francisco under the skilled direction of Mara Alexander Gilbert. The acting skills I acquired were fundamental in shaping my ability to get into characters when I write and perform on stage. This training enhanced all of my creative ability and skill to use improvisations to bring characters to life. My appreciation for this experience is unmeasurable.
I observed how some of the world’s greatest entertainers have the ability to take the audience on a journey of emotions, the highs and the lows, and through it all tap into the humanity they share with their audience. You may have a similar journey as you travel through this serving of Spilling the Beans.